I’m So Doing This Some Day
Well, I find myself recently single again and while that has many drawbacks, at least in the short term, it does potentially open up previous closed doors. That actually makes for a nice pun that I never really intended. By that I mean that I could never convince my ex to try anal sex and perhaps my next girlfriend will be open to it, who knows right?
A friend, a female friend, asked me the other day why I wanted to try it so badly. And it’s not that I want it so badly but because I can’t have it I think that I want to. I have never before and honestly there isn’t even a great appeal to it. Perhaps that changes after I actually have had my chance, I don;t know, how can I know, I’ve never tried it. 😀 That is exactly the point, I want to try it so I can know how it is.
Anyways, I actually wanted to tell you all that if you use our Brazzers discount for 67% off you get the entire network’s sites for the discounted price of one!